Would you like to bring our production of "The Wall" to your community?
"So you, thought you, might like to, go to the show...... "
Does your community have needs that match our mission? We want to help. We can come to your performing arts center and promote a performance of "The Wall" for the benefit of your local community's arts and music education programs, homeless shelters and food banks. If you want to make a difference and aren't afraid of a little work, please feel free to contact us. Let's work together to make our communities stronger!
Does your community have needs that match our mission? We want to help. We can come to your performing arts center and promote a performance of "The Wall" for the benefit of your local community's arts and music education programs, homeless shelters and food banks. If you want to make a difference and aren't afraid of a little work, please feel free to contact us. Let's work together to make our communities stronger!